A long essay about myself. tl;dr Im a software developer who makes programs that might be useful on my freetime.
Since the age of 12, I have been intrested in computers and technology. I started off with learning Python as my first language. Which is why you see alot of Python projects on the projects page. My first program was a temporary file remover. It was a simple program that goes through temporary directories and removes the files to free up space.
My second program was a Fizzler Recolorer for the game Portal 2. It was a program that can recolor the fizzler in the game. It works by changing the vmt (Valve Material)s color value to the selected color. It didnt have a GUI so you had to use the command line to use it.
I have since been learning new languages and frameworks to expand my knowledge. I have recently been learning react and other js frameworks and JavaScript overall. One of the more recent projects I have worked on was TestRunner which is a program that runs tests on multiple python scripts and checks if it matches the expected output. The program features a security measure where if the program does something suspicoius, it will warn the user.
In conclusion, I am a software developer who makes programs on my freetime. I make programs that have a range of purposes, from being useless to being kinda useful. Check out my projects page to see what I have made.
I am open to work on projects that are intresting but not too challanging. Keep in mind that I may choose to not work on a project if I am busy. I am mainly open to work on projects that are related to what I have done before or are similar to what I have done before. Stuff like AI I will not work on as I have no experience in that field. To contact me, go to the contact page or click this link .